Friday, 19 February 2016

How to apply a tape on a scar after open heart surgery or caesarean section

I am a mum of a child with congenital heart disease (CHD).  
My little warrior had to undergo open-heart surgery at age of 9M. Her scar began to be raised, hard and painful just few weeks after the surgery. So-called keloid. It did not help us any of the commonly offered advices - marigold ointment massage, silicone creams (Strataderm, New Gel+), biolamp, silicone strips,… Then I got a great advice from a friend who was solving the same problem with her lovely newborn son after coarctation surgery. I started use a tape on the scar and two months later the problem was solved. I used this method also on my scar after caesarean section and it worked also wonderfully even one year after my surgery.

You can start use a tape after all scab are gone and the skin is healed, cca. 1 month after surgery. First of all you have to wash and dry the skin, so the tape can hold well.

I use kinesiology tape Ares.

Cut the tape as long as your scar is.

 Cut the tape in a half.

 Round off the tape on a both sides.

Put tape on the chest about 1cm over your scar and stretch the rest about 10%.

Do the same from opposite site .

Let it there some 3 days, after putting down use some oily cream and let the skin rest one day. Do so long as the scar is nice. You can have a bath with the tape, swim with that. It works also great like a sun protection. 

But please never put the tape down when it is wet, the tape must be 100% dry, otherwise you might pull bit of a skin with the tape. In case it happend, use a desinfection, put cream on it and let it recover before you use the tape again.
Before tape therapy   

After surgery (illustrative picture)

1M after surgery          

2M after surgery  

2M after tape therapy

1Y after surgery 

Result of caesarean section scar


Good luck! 
For detailed instruction watch my video: 


Warning: Health information and the names of the drugs mentioned in the article are only for orientation in the field of self-medication and does not replace communication with your doctor. Before taking any medication, read the leaflet or ask your pharmacist or doctor. The author is not responsible for misinterpretation of the information contained on the website and is not responsible for any damages incurred subsequent procedures or conduct that are made based on the content of these pages. By entering this blog you confirm that you have read the aim and the restrictions of the site.

1 comment:

  1. F.e.
    Many colors of the tape for more fun.


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